目前分類:Study (24)

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1930年代,美國經濟不景氣,當時通過了貿易保護的法案,就是提高進口關稅,結果造成各國跟進,使得經濟危機擴散到全世界,這是著名的『經濟大蕭條』。如今,美國在1月底的8190億美金經濟刺激方案中,規定受惠的企業只能購買美國鋼鐵,甚至所有的東西。立意是要減少失業率,但是只能buy America且使得企業雇員成本增加,負擔更大!若是真的實行,必引來各國報復性的制裁,則『經濟大蕭條』惡夢將再次蒞臨。

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Today, my brother, sister and I were very busy at afternoon, because we had to book airplane tickets on Chinese New Year festival. It’s unbelievable for Taiwanese that book tickets for Chinese New Year festival so early and normally for Kinmen people. There is a lot of Kinmen resident work in Taiwan who want to home on festival, for fair, everyone have to book tickets  at today whatever airlines and flights. Because all phones of airlines was always busy, I called for booking tickets from 6:00 to 6:30 p.m. and same my brother and sister. Finally, my sister called in and booked our tickets and we were released from telephone.

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Last week meeting I had to report for my first time. To be honest, I felt so pressured before reporting because I don’t know what topic I want to present. I do everything without the thing about meeting report. After one day playing and fooling around, finally, I decided my topic and started preparing my slides. I spent 2 days and slept a little. In the end, I thought I had done a good job because senior said my concept was clear. Frankly speaking, never did a prisoner released from his chains feel such relief as I shall! However, I have only short time to play then prepare my seminar report at next week.  QQ

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最近在看一部影集『誰是接班人』,我看的是第二季。因為每天只看一集,所以目前只看到第八集。雖然我討厭川普這個動不動就說『YOU ARE FIRED!!』的兇老頭,不過必須佩服他想得出製作這系列精采的影集。

在這一季裡,他選了來自各個國家、各個背景的18個人,展開一場長達15天的超級面試。川普將這18人分成兩隊,給予不同的任務去競賽。獲勝的隊伍會有豐厚的獎賞,可能是吃大餐或者跟大人物見面,落敗的隊伍將到會議室討論,最後川普會對其中一個人說YOU ARE FIRED!!。這些任務內容不一,可能是到街上賣路邊攤,也有可能跟世界級的大公司合作。在歷經層層關卡之後,川普將選出一名參賽者到他的公司,獲得人人稱羨的高薪工作。

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Final Theory


This is the novel that I had read in last week. To make a long story short, you can say that the story is a The DaVanci Code』in physical edition. Because they have many similarities such like plot and writing style. Nevertheless, it’s still an excellent story!!

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 As same as other institute, NCU Space Remote Sensing Center held a lot of speech. Recently I had attended a speech about a software namedVirtual Earth. The speaker is director of Microsoft Virtual Earth whose name is Vincent Tao.

 Dr. Tao is somebody in GIS (Geographic Information System). He had done research in academic circles for long ago, he set up his company, then Bill Gates buy his company and he became the director of this department.

 Dr. Tao said that our world can be divided into persons, things, places and rules. Basing this viewpoint,Virtual Earthis designed in 3 targets. They are virtual search, social media and infotainment. He has tried to makeVirtual Earthnot only searching location but also offering more information. He gave a example for famous on-line softwareSecond Life. He want everybody can have their “second life” in Virtual Earth.

 Finally, Dr. Tao displayed some places on Microsoft Virtual Earth, such as Manhattan, Las Vegas, Niagara Falls and Tokyo. It’s really cool!! I think in not too far in future, we can go around the world easier.


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如同大多數的研究所一樣,所上會不定期的舉辦演講,邀請在相關領域有一定成就的人來學校。在最近一次我參加的演講是微軟『虛擬地球』部門的負責人陶闖,介紹這個軟體以及相關的發展。類似的軟體還有大家比較熟悉的Google Earth


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Last Thursday morning, I went to research room with sleepy face as usual. Suddenly, there was 3 persons that I had never seen before! Furthermore, they looked like foreigners!

They were two girls and one boy. One of them had talked with my classmate. When I had been confused for this situation, one of the girls came up to me! She introduced herself friendly in English. They are international students. She was coming from Indonesia, and the boy was coming form Mongolia. Coincidentally, Her seat is just nearby mine!

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最近跟朋友嚐試寫英文週記, 這是我覺得比較能拿出來看的一篇 =w="

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名字還滿長的 = =" 其實就是辦給電波所碩班新生各個領域的簡介

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  • Mar 09 Fri 2007 23:53
  • 地圖

其實 現在這個樣子

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寒假 到 開學 (01/24~03/01) 讀書計畫

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jackee 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

哈! 硬是用回憶的總算通通都補完了 OTZ

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